Usage: ccollab [global-options] addchangelist <review> <changelist> [<changelist> ...]
addchangelist - Attaches an atomic changelist to a review
Must be either an integer review-id, 'new', 'ask', or 'last'
<changelist> [<changelist> ...]
SCM-specific ID of an atomic set of changes
Uploads Pending Changelists or Committed Changelists from Surround SCM to the Code Collaborator server.
The first argument is the review specifier, subsequent arguments are the IDs of the Pending Changelists or Committed Changelists to upload.
For example, to upload Pending Changelists 4321 and 7568 to a new review:
ccollab addchangelist new 4321 7568
For example, to upload Committed Changelists 5432 and 12654 to review 111:
ccollab addchangelist 111 5432 12654