Command-line Global Options Reference

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ccollab [global-options] command [command-options]


Global Options can be specified on the command-line, or they can be saved and applied to every command using 'ccollab set'.


General Options



--browser <value>

Browser to launch (e.g. 'firefox', 'ie', or 'default')


Run in debug mode, create a ccollab.log file in current directory

--editor <value>

External editor to use for editing file list


Prompt user for input to signal editing of file list complete


Force browser to open new window (only works for some platforms and browsers)


Do not pop up a web browser when the command completes


Don't interact with user

--password <value>

Password to use when connecting to the Code Collaborator server


Don't display progress messages

--scm <value>

Manually sets the SCM system type, e.g. "perforce" or "none" for no SCM System. Clearing this option causes the SCM system to be auto-detected

--server-proxy-host <value>

Proxy server URL to use to connect to the Code Collaborator server

--server-proxy-port <value>

Proxy server port number to use to connect to the Code Collaborator server

--url <value>

URL to use when connecting to the Code Collaborator server

--user <value>

Username to use when connecting to the Code Collaborator server


AccuRev-specific Options



--accurev-depot <value>

AccuRev depot name

--accurev-exe <value>

Full path to the `accurev` command-line client


ClearCase-specific Options




Whether to update ClearCase snapshot views prior to uploading files for review


CVS-specific Options



--cvs-exe <value>

Full path to the `cvs` command-line client

--cvsroot <value>

Connection to the CVS repository


MKS Source-specific Options



--mks-host <value>

MKS Source server name

--mks-port <value>

MKS Source server port

--mks-user <value>

MKS Source user name

--mks-passwd <value>

MKS Source user password


Perforce-specific Options



--p4 <value>

Full path to the P4 executable

--p4port <value>

How to connect to the Perforce server

--p4user <value>

Perforce user name

--p4passwd <value>

Perforce password or ticket

--p4client <value>

Mapping of Perforce server data to the local machine

--p4charset <value>

Perforce character set used for translation of Unicode files


If true, don't allow uploads if the default changelist contains files

--p4-specify-command-charset <value>

Should a character set be specified for communication with Perforce


Subversion-specific Options



--svn-exe <value>

Full path to the `svn` command-line executable

--svn-look-exe <value>

Full path to the `svnlook` command-line executable (used by Subversion triggers)

--svn-repo-url <value>

Subversion repository URL

--svn-user <value>

Subversion user name

--svn-passwd <value>

Subversion password

--svn-repo-path <value>

Full path to the repository (used by Subversion Triggers)


Surround SCM-specific Options



--surround-exe <value>

Full path to the Surround SCM `sscm` command-line client

--surround-server <value>

Surround SCM server address (server:port)


Surround SCM single sign-on

--surround-user <value>

Surround SCM user name

--surround-passwd <value>

Surround SCM password


Team Foundation Server-specific Options



--tfs-exe <value>

Full path to the Team Foundation `tf` command-line client

--tfs-server <value>

Team Foundation server name

--tfs-user <value>

Team Foundation alternate user name (atypical)

--tfs-passwd <value>

Team Foundation alternate user name password


Vault-specific Options



--vault-profile <value>

Vault 5.0 profile name

--vault-server <value>

Vault 5.0 server url (n/a with profile)

--vault-repo <value>

Vault 5.0 repository (n/a with profile)

--vault-user <value>

Vault 5.0 user (n/a with profile)

--vault-passwd <value>

Vault 5.0 password (n/a with profile)

--vault-proxy-domain <value>

Vault 5.0 proxy domain

--vault-proxy-server <value>

Vault 5.0 proxy server

--vault-proxy-port <value>

Vault 5.0 proxy port

--vault-proxy-user <value>

Vault 5.0 proxy user

--vault-proxy-passwd <value>

Vault 5.0 proxy password


Vault 5.0 Fortress mode


Visual SourceSafe-specific Options



--vss-passwd <value>

SourceSafe password

--vss-exe <value>

Full path to the SourceSafe `ss` command-line client

--vss-user <value>

SourceSafe user name