Upgrading from v4.0 to v5.0

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In April 2009, Smart Bear released the beta of version 5.0 of Code Collaborator, the most significant release to date.

This page serves to update administrators and users on considerations for upgrading.

New features

A list of major feature enhancements can be found here: http://smartbear.com/codecollab-new.php#5.0

Discontinued features

The .NET Windows client application. All functionality from the .NET Windows client is now available in the Code Collaborator Command Line Client, GUI Client, or Tray Notifier.
The "classic" diff viewer has been removed.

Server/Database Upgrade Procedure

There are two different ways to install v5.0 in an existing v4.0 environment.

In-place Upgrade

Once you upgrade to v5.0, you cannot downgrade to v4.0.  Neither the database nor the installation directory supports installing a pre-v5.0 version on top of a post-v5.0 version.

This means: Back up everything before you perform the upgrade.  This is good advice any time you upgrade any software, but it is especially important with v5.0 because you cannot "undo."

Upgrading an existing v4.0 server and database to v5.0 works just like any other upgrade.  Download and execute the v5.0 server installer from http://downloads.codecollab.com and follow the on-screen instructions.  All your previous settings will be preserved.

Parallel Operation

You can run v5.0 while continuing to run v4.0.

To do this, start by backing up everything.

On the system that will run v5.0, install the exact same build of v4.0 of Code Collaborator that was used to create the backup.  You can find the installer here.

Use the restore instructions to load your existing v4.0 data into your new installation of Code Collaborator v4.0.

Download and execute the v5.0 server installer from http://downloads.codecollab.com and follow the on-screen instructions to upgrade from v4.0 to v5.0.