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User notifications can come by email or RSS feed.  When are those notifications sent?

1.To reviewers and observers when the review enters the inspection phase from planning.  This happens when the author/review creator clicks the "Move ahead to the inspection" button on the last page of the wizard.
2.To author/review creator when the first comment is made or when the first defect is created.
3.To author/review creator when the review enters the rework phase.  Usually this is when the last reviewer clicks the "Review Finished" button on the review overview and there are outstanding defects.  The rules for this transition are customizable, but regardless of the rules, it is at this transition that it happens.
4.To reviewers and observers when the review enters the inspection phase from rework.  This happens when the author clicks the "Proceed to verification" button on the review overview screen.
5.To reviewers who have marked the review finished if and when additional discussion takes place.
6.To author when the review is "finished", which happens when the last reviewer is finished and there are no outstanding defects.
7.To all participants when a review is canceled.  (NOTE:  There is a bug where this email goes out even if the review was only in planning phase and the reviewers have not been notified of the review yet.)

The exceptions to these rules are as follows:

1.If a user has set a user preference to not be notified via email, they will not receive an email.
2.If the reason for the email can be traced back to an action taken by a specific user, that user will not receive an email unless they have changed their preference to request *all* emails.  For example, the person canceling a review does not receive the email notification for the cancel action.


RSS Feed

Use the orange button on the bottom right of the home page to configure your RSS reader.  The configuration will differ according to which RSS reader you choose to use.


Here is an example of the RSS feed in Mozilla Thunderbird:
